Oxygen enrichment and carbon dioxide expulsion are important process steps of drinking water treatment. The highly efficient corrugated plate aerators from Krüger perform these jobs in an extremely economic manner.
- closed and compact system
- high efficiency
- no energy costs for air conveyance
- low required space
- high flow rate from 20 m3/h up to arbitrary
- low maintenance
- easy controllability
- inured to load variation
Corrugated plate aerator applications
- oxygenation: iron and manganese oxidation
- deacidification: removal of carbon monoxide
- removal of chlorinated hydrocarbon
- methane removal
- elimination of odour substances
Comprehensive operational experiences from more than 40 plants prove the low maintenance requirements.

Drinking water ventilation

For most waterworks using ground water the ventilation of drinking water for oxygen enrichment or for carbon dioxide removal is a central process step in the treatment of drinking water.
Oxygen enrichment and carbon dioxide reduction are essential requirements for further treatment steps like iron and mangane removal.
Graphics shows a comparison between different processes for water deacidification with the COPLATOR process.
Coplator® process

The COPLATOR® corrugated plate aerator is a tower made of stainless steel or synthetic. The most important components are PET tracks hanging in a ventilation chamber, which are approved for use in drinking water by the German KTW.
On top of the ventilation chamber the water to be ventilated will be constantly distributed over the corrugated plates by a perforated plate. The water flows top down through the coplator and due to the injector effect it carries air along.
Between the undulated corrugated synthetic plates installed in flow direction of the water an intensive change of substances proceeds during strong stirring of air and water.
In a collecting vessel beneath the coplator chamber the automatic separation of air and water takes place. Afterwards the water is usually saturated with oxygen.
More than 40 references
The COPLATOR® corrugated plate aerator is an internationally multiple time proven process developed in Germany.